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If you haven’t yet created a personal purpose statement you need to do so right away.
Well, that’s just it.
Your personal purpose statement is your “why”. It helps you to understand why you were created to be, what you were created to do and the lives you were created to touch.
I did the Gallop Strengths Finder 2.0 test a few months ago (you get a free code if you buy the book in any format) and discovered that one of my top 5 strengths is Learner.
The report stated, “People especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.”
“… the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.” This, this right here is the part that always trips me up. I often find myself learning so much new stuff that I become overwhelmed and
This is where my personal purpose statement comes in. When I become overwhelmed and unsure, I revisit my purpose statement to refresh my memory and to decide what to do next. It helps me to remember what’s important so that I can take my best next step.
Let’s take a further look at what a personal purpose statement is and why you need one. Then I’ll give you 5 tip to help you to get started on creating one.
A personal purpose statement is a statement of your core purpose, it is a declaration of who God created you to be. It is unique to you because you are a unique person with a unique purpose.
It should reflect what your life looks like when your faith meets the works you do for God and how that influences the lives of others.
Your purpose statement is created based on your values, your dreams, your desires, and your hopes. It is a summary of all you want to be and all you want to do before you leave this earth
If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.
Lewis Carroll
To get where you want to go you first have to know where you’re going. A personal purpose statement gives you focus and direction so that you can create a plan of action.
Your goals should be based on your personal purpose statement so that as you accomplish each of your goals it takes you toward your purpose not further away.
Your personal purpose statement helps to remind you of what’s important and to set priorities. It helps you to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing and remain focused when you become discouraged (believe me you WILL become discouraged at some point).
It will also help you to set boundaries on your time so that you don’t get distracted doing things that take you away from your purpose. Use it when you need to determine when to say yes or no to a request.
If the request doesn’t line up with your personal purpose statement then it’s usually best to respectfully decline. This helps you to keep a life balance and avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Step 1: Pray
I’m often left in wonder when I think of how an Almighty God loves me so much that He took the time to craft me as an exquisite work of art and give me a unique purpose. This same God is rooting for me to fulfill this purpose.
You have a unique purpose and no one knows what it is better than your Father in heaven. He wrote it all in a book before you even landed on this earth. If you need to figure out what to write in your purpose statement, I would suggest you ask Him.
Get into quiet time with Him and ask a few questions. “Who am I? Who did you create me to be? What do you want me to do with the gifts and talents you’ve given me? How do you want me to develop them and how do you want me to use them to help others?”
Ask him to help you to see yourself as he sees you and show you what he wrote in your book when he created you (Psalm 139:16) and to reveal the good plans he has for you. Ask him to make his desires your desires.
Step 2: Dare to Dream Envision your Ideal Life
Who are you, what do you do, what problems do you solve, who do you help? Take a look at the important roles in your life: spiritual, familial, social, health, career and think about how you can best fulfill these roles. What would that look like?
Think about the things you are passionate about, the things that cause you frustration, the things you would change if you could and what you would do if you had all the money in the world and couldn’t fail. Dream Big!
Think about the things you value, about your strengths, the things you do best without any effort, about how you want to be remembered and the legacy you want to leave.
Step 3: Write it Down
Write down everything you just thought about. Write it in
Don’t think about how you could do it, just think about what if you did do it! Imagine that! Imagine if you could live the life you were created to live. Write it down and believe that God will help you do it… because really, what’s the point in believing God for something you can do in your own strength?
Step 4: Prioritize
Prioritize everything you’ve written down from most important to least important. Then take the top 3, don’t take any more than 3. These are the ones you will focus on.
Step 5: Create your Purpose Statement
Create a summary statement that encompasses your top 3 priorities. Try to keep it to 2 or 3 sentences but 4 or 5 is okay too. Just make sure it is something that you can easily remember and so that you can repeat it often.
Review it Daily
Review it daily, preferably first thing in the morning. My ideal morning routine begins with devotion, then planning my day, some writing and then I’m off to the gym. I say “ideal” because this doesn’t always happen. (Actually, I’m still trying to get back on track from the holiday break! :/)
If you have a similar routine reviewing your purpose statement during your planning time is a good way to make sure that your daily goals are in line with your purpose.
To Remember Your Why
There will be many times when you find that the vision you have in your head for your life doesn’t line up with what’s currently happening and discouragement sets in.
When this happens, take out your purpose statement and remind yourself of why you’re doing it all. Remember that your purpose is God-ordained and He has already given you everything you need to fulfill it and be
It’s Not Perfect
Your purpose statement is not set in stone and can change with the seasons of your life. God isn’t likely to give you a view of your entire purpose all at once (although He could, I mean He’s God, He can do whatever He wants lol).
As He reveals more and more to you, you’ll have to make adjustments to your purpose statement based on what He’s saying.
It will grow as you grow. Just make sure that the plans you make daily line up with what you have written in your personal purpose statement.
So what are you waiting for? Get started on your personal purpose statement right now. Remember, you have a responsibility to seek God for what’s written in your book in heaven and manifest it here on earth – as it is in heaven.

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