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You may have noticed there was no devotion yesterday morning. That’s because I’ve decided to take this week off from everything to rest in God. This entire week my focus will be on Him. Spending time with Him. Talking to Him. Sitting in His presence.
I should be looking for new clients or agencies to write for but I sense Him leading me in a new direction regarding how I will earn income. It’s scary but I’m going to trust Him to send whatever work I need over the next few months while I put more focus on this blog.
I’m not exactly sure what I will be doing this week but here are a few things on the list:
- Get up at 3:30/4 to spend time with God. My morning routine has been all over the place this year so I’m going to use this week to try to get back on schedule.
- Take communion. I want to become one with God. Not just by symbolically taking communion but I want Him to teach me more about who I am in Him and who He is in me.
- Write a few devotions (so I can schedule them and not be scrambling every weekend 🙈)
- Plan blog content and start writing full blog posts again.
- Start making soap as a hobby again. I had a small soap-making business but when I lost my full-time job in 2019, I realized that I didn’t want to make soap for a living. This week, I’m going to teach my daughter and another friend who wants to learn so she can earn income for her family.
I’m not sure how many of these will get done. Or if any of them will get done (God has a way of changing our plans) but I’m looking forward to where the Holy Spirit will lead me this week.
What about you? Have you taken time to rest in God lately? It doesn’t have to be for an entire week. Maybe you could take a day, an afternoon, or even just an hour and invite Him to spend time with you. If you do take some time off and you’d like to share, comment below and let me know how it went.
© Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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