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Happy Monday! I hope this week finds you well.
Last week I took some much needed time off from everything: writing (for this blog and for income), looking for new clients, etc. to refocus and spend some time with God. Ironically, for someone who was taking time off to rest, I had quite a few things on my to-do list.
I wanted to get back on my morning schedule, take communion, write and schedule a few devotions and blog posts and get back to my soap making hobby. Yeah, I hardly did any of those things. I slept in instead of getting back on my morning schedule (except for one morning when I got up at 4:15) and took communion exactly once (on that one morning). I didn’t write one blog post or devotion (although I got lots of tidbits from the Holy Spirit to use in the future) and did absolutely no soap making (My friend couldn’t make it so I made lotion with my daughter instead).
But… according to my iPhone, I hit my sleep goals of at least 6 hours. I had been averaging 4.5 hours for the last six months, so I maybe, just maybe, I needed that extra rest. Because I was so well-rested, I heard God more clearly. On my walks to the gym, I took greater notice of the beauty of His creation; the blue skies, greenery, and fresh air. And because I was more aware, I noticed that there was a rainbow in the sky almost every day (this was a little weird because we weren’t having rainy weather).
After seeing a rainbow for the third time, I thought about rainbows and God’s promise to never flood the world again. Then the Lord said to me, “Rainbows aren’t just a reminder of my promise to the world, but a reminder of my specific promises to you. I have not forgotten.”
And this was all I needed from my week of rest. God had promised to be Provider (I can trust Him to send enough work) , Healer (He’ll do it no matter how long it takes), Protector (I don’t have to be afraid) and Restorer (of my family). He has not forgotten me. He is my Father and I can trust Him.
Do you ever feel like God has forgotten you? Like the specific promises He has made to you will never come to pass? Maybe you just need to rest in Him and learn to trust Him again. And every time you see a rainbow, remind yourself of His promises to you. He remembers. He hasn’t forgotten you.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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