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When the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the Lord , the Lord of all the earth, [come to] rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan flowing down from above will be cut off, and they will stand in one mass [of water].
Joshua 3:13 ESV
Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 ESV
Have you been asking God to show you your next step? Are you stuck? You want to move but you need to know the ENTIRE plan. Sounds like you’re waiting for clarity.
I’ve been seeking God for that too. It’s been two years since I started freelance writing. And while writing tech articles has been paying the bills, I fear I’ve stayed here too long. I know that it’s time to move away from tech completely and focus more on the blog. But I’m stuck because I want to have clear steps on what I need to do.
God has given me an idea on how to move forward with this blog. But I’ve been hesitating. It’s simple. So simple, I’m wondering, “how is this going to work, Lord? Will it bring in enough income for me to move away tech writing? How long will it take?
I feel like I need more clarity. I need to map this thing out so that I know EXACTLY what steps I’m taking. I want a plan I can follow so I know the end goal; the target I’m aiming for.
Or do I?
In Joshua 3:13 the Israelites are about to cross over the river Jordan to take Jericho, the first city in the promised land. The Lord tells Joshua, that when the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant, then the waters of the river will part, allowing the nation of Israel to pass through (paraphrase). When the Lord had rescued the first generation of Israelites coming out of Egypt at the Red Sea, Moses raised his staff and the Red Sea parted. Those Israelites had a sign BEFORE they started to move.
But here, as Joshua and the second generation of Israelites prepared to cross into the Promised Land, they had to trust that God would do what He said He would do. They had to step out FIRST. Once the soles of the feet of those who carried the Ark rested in the River Jordan, THEN the waters parted.
If I’m honest, I don’t need more clarity. I just need to step out and do that first thing He’s shown me, then I’ll get instructions for my next step.
Clarity is not something we get all at once. As we obediently take each step, God will reveal the rest. You see, we’re are often focused on getting to the finish line. But for Him, it’s all about the journey. While He already knows the fullness of every plan He has for us, He also knows that if He gives us the whole thing at once we’re likely to run ahead of Him and make a mess of things (me, that’s me).
It’s the journey He cherishes. The whole point in having a purpose is that we get to do it WITH Him. He’s more concerned about what we get to learn along the way. He proves Himself, illuminating each step, one at a time, like a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. As you move with Him, step by step along the path to fulfilling your calling, He gives you greater clarity with each step. We learn to hear His voice and trust His judgment. And as we journey with Him and trust Him more, we are able to reach every goal, and overcome every challenge on the way to fulfilling our purpose.
Prayer: Father, I’m sorry that I’ve gotten stuck waiting for clarity. I understand now that as I trust You and take each step with You, You will reveal more and more of your plan to me. Help me to take my eyes off of the finish line and enjoy the journey with You.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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