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And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39
The second greatest commandment calls us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. One way to love our neighbors is to serve them.
Remember when we talked about your toolbox? Your specific gifts, skills, talents, and interests? Well, when you put those together with your knowledge and experiences, you can serve others in a unique way.
Maybe God wants you to use them to form a charity or non-profit organization to meet a specific need? Or maybe He’s given you a business idea that fills a gap or solves a problem. Either way, your unique toolbox is meant to serve a certain set of people.
This may not be the same set of people that I serve and even if they are, you and I will share our messages in completely different ways. There are people out there who can relate to your unique experiences who will not relate to mine.
This is why it’s important that we each follow our individual callings. If we allow ourselves to be influenced by what others THINK we should be doing for God, we’ll never reach the ones He has called us to reach.
Who are you here for? What needs or problems do you see that you can meet or change? How can you combine your skills, gifts, and talents to serve others in a unique way?
PRAYER: Father, show me how I can use the abilities you’ve given me to solve problems and serve others. Show me who you’ve called me to serve and how I can combine all that you’ve given me to serve them in a unique way.
© Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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