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The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14 ESV
ESVHey everyone. I’m back from a somewhat longer-than-intended break. How were your Christmas holidays? I hope you did better than I did. Someone said that there are two stages to Christmas, “There’s plenty of time” and “OH NO!!” Lol! That was definitely true for me last Christmas.
I had planned to cut off by December 22, but I totally underestimated my deadlines and ended up going to bed after 2 a.m. on the Friday before Christmas, Christmas Eve, AND on Christmas morning. That was NOT fun! But it also meant that I wasn’t able to get devotions out to you like I planned (before AND after Christmas) and I’m really sorry about that.
But now I’m back and after some much needed rest, I want to share my Word of the Year (and scripture) with you. I haven’t chosen a word of the year since 2020. Honestly, I was a bit discouraged with the whole word of the year thing and goal planning, etc, and just wasn’t motivated to choose one. But one of the ladies in a group I’m in shared her word and scripture for the year. I said I hadn’t chosen one and that I just want more of Jesus. Then I realized, that’s my word of the year – “More”.
I want more of God in every area of my life. I want every area of my life to be saturated with His presence and to see Jesus, Father God, and the Holy Spirit operating in my life each day in both the exciting and the mundane things.
God says He will never leave me nor forsake me so I know He is always with me. But I don’t always recognize Him. So this year, my goal is to learn how to be MORE aware of Him in my day-to-day life. 2 Corinthians 13:14 says it all and I want it to come alive for me. My desire is to operate in the grace of Jesus, my Savior, the love of God, my Father, and in communion (oneness and fellowship) with Holy Spirit every single day.
I don’t really understand what this looks like practically but I’m excited to go on a journey with God as He teaches me. I’m trusting Him to expand my understanding of this verse, making it real and practical so that every day I’m aware of, led by, and have conversations with Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit.
Have you chosen a word of the year and/or a scripture? If you have, reply and let me know, or share it in the comments on the blog.
P.S I deliberately left out a prayer at the end of this post. I feel like Father wants you to share your heart with Him and tell Him in your own words what you really need from Him and how you want to journey with Him this year.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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