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Merry Christmas! yes I know it’s late
I really wanted to get a blog post out before Christmas day but that didn’t work out. So, today as I come up for air from the Christmas festivities (otherwise known in the Caribbean as turning your house upside down to fix it back again), I want to wish you a late Merry Christmas and all the best for the rest of the holiday season.
Most of us take some time off during this week between Christmas and New Years’ day. It’s often a slow week as we recover from the holiday and look forward to the coming year. I can think of three great ways we can spend it.
what to do this week
We can continue to reflect on God’s great love for us, spend time with and show appreciation for loved our ones and take some downtime for ourselves before the new year kicks in.
God sent His Greatest gift when He sent His Son to us on earth. We know that it wasn’t on Christmas Day. But whatever day it was, it was the day that Love, real Love took on flesh and came down to earth. This was the moment God’s plan for salvation came into action and all of heaven rejoiced.
We rejoice that He died for our sins and now we can have a relationship again with God the Father, but that couldn’t have happened if He hadn’t given up all He had in heaven, to come to earth as a little baby.
Let’s continue to spread His Love to the downtrodden and the broken-hearted so that they would be enveloped by His Perfect love and find their true identities.
Let’s also take advantage of this week to appreciate the loved ones we still have with us. Maybe pay them a surprise visit or call them to see how they are doing.
For those of us missing a loved one at this time, it’s ok to grieve but it’s also ok to remember the good stuff and even laugh about it. For some reason, after her being gone for seven years, I’ve missed my mom the most this year.
Maybe it’s because I’m no longer have a full-time job to occupy my mind. I remembered how much she loved Christmas. Kenny Rogers’ and Dolly Parton’s Once Upon a Christmas was her favorite song. This year, I wanted to make the house look nice just like she used to do.
Special thanks to my son and daughter who put the house back together in the early hours of Christmas morning. It really did look like one of those before and after pics of Caribbean houses on Christmas eve lol.
Lastly, take some time this week to appreciate yourself. Have some downtime. Sometimes we simply need to stop (doing) and just be. Go to the beach; hang out with friends; spend some time with your children and your spouse.
Whatever you do, be present in the moment. Don’t worry about the past or what might lay ahead. Focus on the “now”. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Can you think of any ways to share God’s love this week? Are you taking some downtime for yourself or to spend with loved ones? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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