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Welcome to the Praying for Purpose challenge. Today we’re going to talk about intimacy with God because that’s where everything begins.
The key to finding your purpose is finding your identity and purpose is a deeper relationship with God the Father. This means getting to know Him as a Father; one loves you unconditionally.
Many accept Jesus as Savior, but never get to know God as a Father. Jesus died on the cross so you could go to heaven. But He also died so that you could have a relationship with the Father just like Adam and Eve did when they were in the Garden of Eden. Can you relate to God as a Father? Do you understand how He acts as a Father in your life?
For the first 10 years of my Christian walk, I did not know what it meant to have God as a Father. I knew Jesus, and I knew God as A Father, but not as MY Father.
Why is a relationship with Father so important? Because that’s where you find your identity and purpose. Who knows an invention better than its inventor? Who knows His creation better than the Creator? Father God created you so He knows exactly who you are and exactly what He created you to do.
It’s important to know Father God as your protector, provider, and especially as the One who will ALWAYS love you unconditionally. When you understand the Father’s love for you, you know that there is nothing you can do, good or bad, to cause Him to stop loving you. As you step out into your God-given destiny. You can let go of the fear of displeasing Him. You are free to surrender and be yourself.
When you have an intimate relationship with Father God, you will better understand who He is to you as a protector and provider and learn to live in His unconditional love daily. You will also learn to recognize His voice and the unique ways He speaks to you. This is important because sometimes we’re afraid to step out because we’re not sure it’s God that is speaking.
Here are a few ways you can create more intimacy with God
- Tell Him you want a more intimate relationship with Him and ask Him to show you how to do so. He wants to spend time with you more than you want to spend time with Him..
- Set aside a quiet time. Morning works best for me, but not everyone is a morning person. Also remember that the time you set aside can vary from season to season. Ask Holy Spirit to show when He wants to spend time with you.
- Start a journal. This will not only help you keep track of what you’ve been asking Him about but also His responses
- Stay constantly connected. Outside of your quiet time, find ways to stay connected to Him every day. Listen to podcasts when driving or cleaning or watch YouTube show. You can even invite Him into your workday (sometimes when I’m stuck on something I’m working on, I invite Him to join my team as a co-worker to help me solve it :)).
- When you cultivate an intimate relationship with the Father God, you learn what’s on His heart for yourself and others. You begin to see yourself through His eyes.
PRAYER: Father, I want a deeper, more intimate relationship with you. I want to know you as MY Father. Please show me who You are to me as a protector and provider. Help me to understand and accept your unconditional love for me so that I know that there is nothing that could ever separate me from Your Love. Teach me to hear and recognize Your voice as you share with me the good plans you have for me and give blueprints and strategies on how to fulfill them. Jesus, show me the way to the Father.
P.S If you haven’t yet signed up for the 7-Day Praying for Purpose Challenge, sign up here.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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