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You can’t do what you were created to do unless you know who you were created to be. Through intimacy, with the Father, you gain insight into His vision for you, your true identity. And then He begins to reveal your purpose.
Father crafted your purpose just for you, and He wrote it down (Psalm 139:16), hoping that someday you’d come searching for Him so that He could tell you all about it.
Your purpose is tied directly to your identity. It is unique, just like you. That means that only you can fulfill it. It also means that you can’t fail. Because your purpose is unique to you, you’ve been set up to win. You can’t fail at something that was designed just for you.
In His book in heaven, He wrote His good plans for you. Plans to prosper you and bring you to an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11). In the secret place, Father will release these plans as blueprints and strategies to you to guide you into your purpose. Write them down. And if the instructions aren’t clear, ask Him for more revelation.
You will also dream again. Childhood dreams long forgotten. Hobbies and interests given up. Maybe because you were discouraged by others. Or reluctantly let go because of circumstances beyond your control. He’ll remind you of them again.
Father wants to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). That doesn’t mean He gives you everything you want. That means that when your heart aligns with His, He PLACES desires in your heart. So the things that He wants become the same things you want. He may give you the desire to pursue a particular career or job position. Or the desire to start a business or charity.
He’ll show you hidden skills and talents. Things you are naturally good at without trying. These are the things others ask for your advice, topics you can talk about for hours, or areas where you have become skilled because of personal or professional experience. He may even take you back to skills you developed at your very first job. Every skill, gift, and talent that God has given you help you fulfill your purpose.
Pursuing your purpose is important for several reasons:
- Your purpose is part of God’s grand plan for humanity and He wants to partner with you to complete it. When you fulfill your purpose, you bring His plans to pass here on earth, as they are already written (in your book) in heaven.
- It gives your life new meaning. Instead of the rinse-and-repeat cycle of work, home, sleep, repeat you get to go on an exciting journey with God to show His love to others and draw them into His Kingdom.
- It gives you direction. You feel less overwhelmed and frustrated. Seeing what your life is supposed to look like helps you to plan your goals around it.
Your God-given purpose may not involve traditional ministry. As long as you are making decisions in your life based on the calling and vision God has given you, it is a ministry. Whether that’s inside or outside the four walls of the church building.
PRAYER: Father, when you created me you also created a plan for my life. I understand that there is a book in heaven that details my true identity and true purpose. I want to fulfill that purpose. Father, please show me what’s in that book. Show me the good plans You have for me; the blueprints and strategies you have designed for me. Help me take back up the dreams that I have laid down and dream with you again. Give me the desires of Your heart. Show me the hidden skills, gifts, and talents that You have given me to help me fulfill my purpose.
P.S If you haven’t yet signed up for the 7-Day Praying for Purpose Challenge, you can sign up here.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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