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Do you ever doubt that you have what it takes to complete the assignment God has given you? I know I do.
I’m in a time of transition and it hasn’t been easy. I’ve been feeling discouraged and unqualified for the assignment God has given me. My self-confidence runs low and I lose sight of who God says I am, become overwhelmed, and then, completely paralyzed.
This week I want to share with you two sermons that collided with me exactly when I needed them (God has a funny way of doing that 🙂).
“Do the thing that you would do.” That’s not mine. It’s from Pastor Steven Furtick at Elevation Church. Last week, he started a series on the Book of Joshua but I missed the first one so after listening to this week’s sermon (Sun, Mar 6, 2023), I went back and listened to the first one. And I want to share the thing that stood out to me the most.
“Do the thing that you would do.” Basically, he said when God asks you to do something, and you don’t think that you have what it takes to do it, do the thing that you would do if you DID have what it takes to do it. It can be ONE thing; it can be a simple thing, but just DO the thing.
Another way to interpret this is, to do the thing THAT YOU would do. When God asks you to do something, it’s because He’s seeing you in your full potential; as He created you to be. So to do what He’s asking you to do, you must see yourself the same way. You have to see THAT version of YOU; God’s version of you. So you do the thing THAT version of YOU, the one that God sees, would do because that version is more than capable of doing what God is asking.
That was so profound and such a breakthrough moment for me. It totally reset and renewed my mind about my ability to do what God has called me to do. Here are the links to the sermons. If you’re going through something similar, I hope they are as helpful to you as they were to me.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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