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“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,… “
Ephesians 3:20 ESV
Pursuing your purpose can be scary.
Especially if God has started showing you His plans for you. Old dreams are coming to the forefront. New possibilities are being revealed.
It’s tempting to think that you’re too old or don’t have what it takes to accomplish them. It’s tempting to settle for smaller accomplishments and stay in your comfort zone, relying on your past experiences and expert knowledge instead allow God to lead you into the unknown.
Don’t fall for it. Don’t settle. If you’re going to be successful at doing all He has called you to do, you’re going to have to let go of small dreams. Dare to dream BIG!
God’s plans for you were never meant to be accomplished on your own. They are BIG oversized dreams that require you to step out in faith, step into the unknown and trust Him. Dream BIG!
When your dreams are too small, you place limits on what He can do in and through your life. Your purpose was never meant to be contained or pursued timidly. You were created to run headlong into an adventure with Him as He reveals more of who He is and His God-sized plans for you.
Don’t believe the lies You’re not too old. If God is reminding you of things you used to dream about, you can still partner with Him to make it happen.
You have what it takes. You already have all you need. You might not have everything figured out, but if you allow Him to lead you step by step you will get there.
You can do all the things He’s calling you to do because He’s the one who gives you strength (Phil 4:13). When you feel like you are not enough, remember you and Him are more than enough. Where you are weak, He will fill in the gaps. (2 Cor 12:9).
So, that dream that you put on the back burner? Dare to ask, “LORD, is this still possible?”
That plan that He showed you but you were too scared to step out? Dare to imagine what your life would look like if you did.
And then.. dare to expect Him to show up in ways even beyond your imagination.
Dare to dream BIG with God.
He is your Father and He wants to give you good things. He is your God and He is more than able to give them to you.
What’s the point in believing in Him for something that you can achieve in your own strength?
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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