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You have a responsibility to steward your purpose. That means stewarding your time and health as well as your finances. Let’s talk about finances first. There are several views about whether or not Christians are required to tithe. Whatever your views are on that, the main thing to understand is that ALL belongs to God. Psalm 24:1 says “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…”. Well, this includes money.
There are some of us who are meant to create wealth to help build God’s Kingdom. But He needs to be able to trust us with His money. When you understand that it’s ALL His money (not just what you tithe), you’ll allow Him to dictate how you use it. If you only have a little, steward it well. Once He sees that He can trust you with the little you have now, He will trust you with more (Luke 16:10). Take steps to get out of and stay out of debt. We are called to be lenders and not borrowers and we can’t do that if we’re always in survival mode. Remember too, that money isn’t evil; it’s the love of money that’s evil. Money is simply a tool that we can use to advance the Kingdom of God.
The next thing you need to steward well is your time. Time is precious. When it’s gone you can’t get it back so you have to be intentional about how you use it. This is where the purpose statement you created on Day 4 comes in handy. It will help you make decisions based on your highest priorities. Creating a morning (and evening) routine can also help you make the most of your days.
To steward your time well, you’ll also have to learn to say no. There are a lot of good things you can do for God but you need to make sure that you’re focusing on what He wants you to do in the current season. Learning to say “no” to the wrong things allows you to say “yes” to the right things. That may look like saying no to working extra hours, volunteering in another ministry at church or even forfeiting your favorite late night shows so you can wake up to spend quality time with the Lord.
Our health is important to God. Yes, He is sovereign and He alone decides when we will leave this earth. But we still have a responsibility to do our part to keep our bodies healthy. We each have ONE vessel to do God’s work and we need to take care of it. That doesn’t mean that we become obsessed with our bodies but it does mean choosing to eat healthier, exercising and getting regular checkups. Acts 13:36 says that after David had served the purposes of God in his own generation, he fell asleep (paraphrase). I want to serve the purpose God has given me before I “fall asleep” and I pray that you will too.
There’s one last thing you need to steward. God’s Word. You need to be diligent with the specific promises, prophecies and revelations that God has spoken to you personally. These help form the unique blueprint He created for you to follow. First you need to record it. The method is up to you. You can do so by writing it in a journal or using audio or video to record it. Then you need to study it. Ask God to give you further revelation and reveal any action steps you need to take. You should also review it from time to time to remind yourself of God’s promises, see if there are any other steps you need to take or to give God thanks for the things that have come to pass.
PRAYER: Father, I understand that it is my responsibility to steward the resources that you have given me well. I understand that stewardship isn’t just about finances but I need to steward my time, health and the Words that You have given me. Teach me to be a good steward of my purpose.
P.S If you haven’t yet signed up for the 7-Day Praying for Purpose Challenge, you can sign up here.
Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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