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Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm].
Deuteronomy 31:6,8 AMPC
It’s a time of uncertainty. A global pandemic. We’ve never been this way before. At least not in my lifetime or of anyone I know. The world is practically at a stand-still. Borders closed, travel halted; stock markets crashing.
Terms like social distancing, quarantine, isolation have become the norm. With the loss of jobs and income, everyone is worried about what the future holds. Will I get sick? Will my family be ok? When this is over will I have/find a job? How will I pay my bills?
I know it’s a scary time. After working full-time for almost 10 years, I went back to freelancing last September. I could look for a “real” job but I know it’s not what God is calling me to do. He’s calling me to build a business inline with the purpose and plans that He has for me.
The song I’ve posted above has been my alarm for many months. Not because of the pandemic, but because every morning I need to remind myself not to let fear cause me to abort my purpose. But now it’s even more relevant.
Through all of this, God is still with us. I’m sensing strongly that there is much that He wants us to gain through this experience so that at the end we come out stronger, equipped to all that He has called us to do. There are four things that He wants us to focus on at this time:
Do not fear
Fear can cause you to abort your purpose, just like the first generation Israelites did. They were so overcome with fear that, except for Joshua and Caleb, they could not see what God was seeing. God saw them as warriors and conquerors but all they could see was grasshoppers. God is with you, He has you surrounded and He will never leave you. He Is faithful.
Draw closer
Draw into Him like you never have before. Ask Him what He wants you to learn during this time. Ask Him what part you have to play in all of this – during and after. At the end of it all, you must know who you are and the part you have to play in bringing His Kingdom to earth. You can’t fulfill your purpose unless you know your identity.
Remember His promises
He’s faithful, He keeps His promises. Those things He told you about will come to pass… and you’re within your rights to remind Him of it :). He’s not a man that He should lie.
Be prepared
The plagues in Egypt were the catalyst for releasing Israel into their promised land. Is there anything you need to do right now prepare you to claim your promised land when this is over (or maybe even during the crisis)?
Ask God to examine your heart and see if there is any wicked way in it. Ask Him if there is anything you need to repent for; to get right.
And after you’ve done that, ask Him if there is anything practical you need to do. This could be something new you need to learn so that you are equipped for your purpose. But it could also be something as simple as spending more time with your family. Ask God to share His heart and His plans with you and give you direction.
The Lord has done a “shaking up” and a resetting of the world. Let’s be prepared for what He’s about to do.
I hope the song blesses you. Don’t forget to take a listen.
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