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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 ESV
When the first generation Israelites came to the border of the promised land, they were filled with fear and afraid to take the land because of the giants that were there. They failed to see themselves through God’s eyes. They saw themselves as grasshoppers when God saw them as mighty conquerors. Only Caleb and Joshua caught the vision.
Forty years later, when the second generation Israelites came to the border of the promised land, they saw themselves through God’s eyes. They were not afraid. As Joshua prepared to take the promised land in Joshua:1, he was told to be strong and courageous three times; twice by God and once by the leaders of the tribes.
The greatest enemy of your purpose is fear. Just like Joshua, it will take courage to go after your purpose. As you are conquering your own promised land; your purpose, you will come up against many giants. And it will call for courage.
It will take courage to leave a job where you have years of experience for something unknown that God you know God is calling you to. It will take courage to let go of financial security and trust God for provision. It will take courage to say, “Yes, this is the path that God wants me to travel when everyone else thinks you’re crazy”.
In March 2020, a huge spirit of fear was released over the entire world in the form of COVID-19. One has to wonder why the enemy is so afraid that he felt the need to paralyze the entire world with fear. Don’t let fear stop you from going on the greatest adventure you could ever have with God. Don’t let fear of failure cause you to abandon your purpose. God has already given you everything you need. You have been set up to win. He is rooting for you.
PRAYER: Father, thank you for giving me the strength and courage to boldly go after my purpose. I trust you. I choose to see myself as you see me, fully equipped and capable of conquering the promised land that you have given me. I will persevere until I have done all that you have sent me to do. In my moments of weakness, I will look to you because when I am weak, You are strong. Thank you for trusting me with this part of your plan and I believe that whatever you have started in me, you are faithful to help me complete it.
© Deborah Ruck @ As Bold As THE Lion blog
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